Monday 1 January 2018

New Year. New Life.

So apparently I suck at updating this thing and every year I make it a goal to post more regularly and for the first few weeks I do amazingly then life gets in the way and I fail soo here I am starting again, for the millionth time.

2017 was a bit of a crazy one. Earlier in the year I met and fell in like with a guy who I thought wanted the same things as me. Turns out he didn't. I was okay with that and moved on. I've been told I can be ruthless when it comes to cutting people off but I've always said life is too short to have bad people in your life.

I spent a lot of 2017 with BFFs girls and having play dates with another friends daughter. We had fun. I've spent a lot of time with this family and always love our Tuesday play dates and random hang out days/nights.

My relationship with my family has been awesome. Both immediate and extended. There were times where it was a bit touch and go but for the most part my relationship with my family has been awesome.

I went through a lot of stages with my weight. Trying new programs. Cutting out different food. Eating more of one food. For some reason though, I really struggled with trying to find something that worked for me. I did however cut back on the alcohol and that really helped.  It wasn't until September and a hospital appointment I had that kicked me into the right frame of mind.  I started doing intermittent fasting and I've never looked back. Almost 4 months now and I'm still going strong.

Trachy wise I still have it. I had a huge surgery done back in November and ended up spending 3 weeks in there. I am at the stage right now where there is a high chance the trachy could come out soon. I have a hospital appointment a few days after I arrive home from Aussie soo we will see how that all goes. I'm excited but I'm also hesitant as well because I don't want to get my hopes up until they actually take the trachy out.

Relationships. They've always been a touch and go with me. Wade came back into my life a little while ago but I think he's at that stage in his life where he's lonely and perhaps feels like he wants something more from me. I've not heard from him in a couple months and to be honest I don't think I will and I'm okay with that.

I have also been chatting with a guy the last little while. I don't know what it is, if anything but for now we are enjoying getting to know each other. We have plans to meet up so it could either be a make it or break it kind of situation. I will have to keep posting on this one if anything does decide to progress.

2018 is going to be my best year yet. My whole life can change in the next couple months and I'm super excited to see how it all turns out. New hair.  New life. New people. What more could a girl want. 

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