Sunday 7 January 2018

Picnic In The Park

Good day today. Kids woke me up and wanted cuddles in bed again. I'll miss them when I leave but it's nice they're all so affectionate and love having me here.

Today we all went down to the park for a picnic. Sister and the girls didn't come but it was still a fun day. It was way too hot though and we totally should have gone later in the day.

As we left the park I was feeling rather sick and light headed. Not sure what was up with that. Came home, sat myself under the air con and ended up in bed for the next couple hours feeling gross.

Brother is sick too soo unless we ate something bad, who knows what the heck is wrong. I've been having a lazy night and haven't done anything at all. Skipped dinner as I'm feeling way too sick to eat but I have been smashing back lots of ginger beer.

This heat has been crazy. It's muggy more than anything else. Apparently I need to climatise myself because it's why I'm feeling the heat way more than anyone else.

All in all a good day. Tomorrow I head to Newcastle for a few days. Excited. Nervous, but looking forward to the trip. I will have to make sure to take photos galore. It'll be my first ever visit there.

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