Saturday 20 January 2018

All About The F's

Today was all about the fitness and the food. I had 2 days where I didn't get out for any exercise. Sure I managed maybe 1000 steps but it wasn't nearly as much as the 10,000 I'd have liked so today I knew I wanted to really get out there.

Broke my fast around 2pm with salad and chicken. It was soo good. I threw everything I could find in the fridge into it.  We didn't have avocado so I added mayonnaise on the side and it's a good way to get in enough fat. I love chicken and I'd totally eat it everyday. 

Went for a quick 3.3km walk this afternoon but it was totally the wrong time to go. It was was too hot and muggy and I just about died in the heat. Won't be doing that again.

It was nearly time to close my window so I whipped up eggs, broccoli and added some tomatoes from the garden. Easy simple and super delicious. Also had watermelon right before closing my window. I don't feel like I ate too much but I may have eaten not enough. I will see how I go through till tomorrow and if need be I'll add more food into my window.

With my sleep still out of whack and on different time zones I'm not sleeping the best so had a quick 20 minute power nap before heading out for another walk. I needed to up my step count. I try to go for at least 6km and or 10,000 steps. Both if I can otherwise definitely 10,000 steps. The walk tonight pushed me over in both counts so I'm happy with that.

It's been an awesome day. Food and fitness have totally been on point today now to just stick to it.

Oh and I'm in the top 45% of the Map my run You vs 2018 challenge which is awesome.

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