Friday 19 January 2018

Holy SHITake Mushrooms!

Today was such a shit day! At least it felt like it was. So much drama first thing in the morning that I honestly wanted to just cry at how angry I was feeling and how stupid the day was.
Morgz was meant to grab money for me which didn't happen because apparently I didn't need it. Then she got lost a few times trying to find my room and ringing me to find out where I was lol. Didn't help she was at 64 and not 74 haha.

Went to my CT scan which was all of 5 minutes then I waited 35 minutes for them to take me back up to my room when I could have walked up to my room in 2 minutes.

Get to my room and Morgz isn't there. She's got my phone so no clue where she is. Take a shower. Wait around for her only to find out later she went to see her Aunty in another ward whose sick which sucks but I'm glad she got to visit her.

Then come 1130am and I'm still waiting around to be discharged. Apparently the Dr's wanted to wait for CT results to discuss with me.

It was honestly just a shit day with too much stuff happening all at the same time. It stressed me out and I felt it was all a bit too overwhelming.

I was lucky M was around for me. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. I wanted to cry soo bad. Jokes. Laughing and smiles helped calm me some.

The only upside to the day was I got to spend some time with Denise. I've missed her so it was awesome to catch up. We got asked if we were cousins because apparently another nurse had said we were.

Once I was home I went straight to my room and spent 3 hours just vegging out on the bed. I needed peace and quiet after the crazy day. Oh and I felt sick after we stopped for BK. It was the only thing I ate today and never again will I eat it.

In other news... I honestly love ward 74! Best ward ever anddd I love Denise. Such an awesome person and I'm sooo glad we met. 

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