Friday 5 January 2018

Birthday Girl

Last year we missed her birthday by a day, this year I wanted to make it work so we could celebrate her birthday with her.
J and I were super shattered and managed to sleep till 830am. Woke up and Roimata came for cuddles then J and I showered before having some breakfast.

It's been a quiet but good day. Roimata got a few presents today but her actual party isn't till tomorrow so will be posting photos galore then.

All in all a good quiet day. I will say this though, my brother and sister in law need another car. Someone needs to win lotto and we need to get these people a 7 seater. There's just no space for us all.

Happy birthday to my amazing niece who turns a big 6 today. Have an awesome day birthday girl. Aunty loves you.

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