Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tuesday Ramblings

My cousin has pretty much moved into my room. His shit is everywhere. Clothes. Shoes. Razor. Rubbish. I spent the morning cleaning it. Unpacking my clothes and sorting his crap that I put into his bag and then threw the bag into the wardrobe. Out of sight, out of mind right?

Relaxed chilled out day today. Broke my fast around 1pm so got in a 19 hour fast which I'm happy with as I try to get in at least a 16 hour fast minimum.  Had lunch out with cousin and his partner. Best burger I've had in a while and I'm not usually a burger fan but will definitely have to go there again.

By the time I'd left for my morning walk I'd done 1km. I wasn't going to go out till later evening but because I was sitting around doing nothing I got up off my butt and managed a 4.3km walk. Even walked up this crazy hill that nearly killed me with my bad breathing haha. My goal is 6km and/or 10,000 steps minimum. I knew I'd go for a walk later this evening when J got home so didn't push myself too hard. I'd been home less than 30 minutes when J said she was ready to go for a walk. Damn. I won't lie, I totally wanted to rest but got my shoes on and off we went. Took Niko and got in a good 1.2km walk which upped my steps to the 10,000 I wanted.

Hospital tomorrow as well. Surgery isn't till Thursday but they do day before "check in". As weird as it sounds, looking forward to getting back there. Denise is still there so will be reallllly good to see her. Catch up with all my favourite nurses and make some new friends. I'm hoping that I'm only there till Friday but we shall see how that all pans out.

My calf muscles are a bit achy. Not painful sore just niggly, so much so that I ordered myself a foam roller. I can't wait for it to arrive. Stretching my legs myself isn't the same as continuous rolling. 

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