Thursday 25 January 2018

Tornado J

When we got back from Australia J decided she wanted to put her clothes away and managed to throw everything into whatever container it would fit it. I did offer to help but she wanted to do it on her own. We've since been back 3 weeks maybe and I'm only just getting onto her room and clothes.

I donated a lot of things that didn't fit and also put away a lot of her jackets. She doesn't need them because it's disgustingly muggy hot here yet she likes to tell me it's not. Once I'd gone through her stuff it was all in the hallway like a tornado had hit her room. Even Papa was all Woah, what tornado came through here.

Felt good getting it all done. I do need to go through her other draws though as she has a lot of stuff that she isn't using and hasn't used in the year we've been here so will try to do that later in the week.

Super productive day but happy J can get into her clothes easier and there aren't too many frumpy looking clothes that don't fit her. New year, new changes J all to go with that awesome haircut you're sporting.

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