Wednesday 24 January 2018

Happy Birthday Poppa

Today it was Poppas birthday. J had gone with Arlene earlier in the morning as she's now watching her and picked up hours with J which will be good for both of them.

Around lunch time I made my way over for snacks, cake and to check out his scooter they were picking up earlier that morning.

They'd already started eating when I got there which was good because I really wanted to get in as long of a fast as I could.

Once we'd all eaten, caught up on the news and fun Poppa went outside to check out his scooter. The first thing he wanted to do was to make sure Sox (his dog) could fit in his little basket. Then when we went to take photos he's all, Wait, I need to take my hat off so people can see my new bald head haircut haha.
Such an awesome afternoon and it was fun to see Poppa driving around on his scooter. He's definitely going to have fun going down to the club on that.

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