Thursday 4 January 2018

Brisbane Bound

J and I arrived into Brisbane at 520 this morning by 545 we had collected our luggage and were already waiting for my sister to pick us up.

It was a really good flight this time round. The photo and being brave to show her family really worked. J also managed to get some sleep all over me which was good. I didn't get any and by the time 7am had rolled around I was shattered. I tried to get some sleep but the kids just wanted to hang out and the one time Kim took the kids out J and Roimata decided I didn't need sleep and woke me 5 million times lol.

Tipene, Roimata and I then spent the afternoon together. They both said they wanted time alone with me but neither one of them wanted to go last. Tipene then asked me to make him an airplane then told me it didn't work because it wasn't flying haha. Fun afternoon with the kids. Will have to make a plan to spend some time with my sisters girls as well. Busy few days with my family, my nieces birthday tomorrow and her party Saturday then maybe a chilled Sunday before I fly to Newcastle Monday.

I need sleep and I need food. Sooo tired!

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