Sunday 14 January 2018

No Day Of Rest

J and I got home around 3am this morning. Morgan picked us up while I drove us home. It felt like a really long drive for some reason but it was honestly soo good to get home. I'd misplaced my sim card in Australia but once we landed I'd seen that the Vodafone store was open and was able to pick up a replacement sim free of charge. Bonus!

I'd slept a couple hours before being woken up like, why are you sleeping on the couch. Haha. Didn't help people were sleeping in my bed. I tried to get some sleep in Nan's bed but couldn't so woke up and caught up with her and Nan which was nice. 930am rolled around and I was tired. Climbed into Nan's bed and ended up sleeping through my alarm which I set for 1130. Must have been more tired than I thought.

Lunch with a girlfriend today. Awesome catching up with her and then I spent the rest of the day/afternoon hanging with the family.
While I was in Aussie I picked myself up a Fitbit Blaze. Not from there, but ordered it from a store here in NZ. Charged it, set it up today and I LOVE it. I even went out for a walk with J and Adam just to make sure I loved my fitbit haha.

I need more sleep as well. I'm looking and feeling sooo tired. Bags under my eyes, it's not good. Back to drinking water and smashing out my health goals.

Ultimate goal, running!  Let's do this!

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