Wednesday 10 January 2018

Hump Day

It's hump day apparently but that didn't happen for me. I think I wore him out. Poor guy. Lol.

It was a good last day here. We hung out. Walked along the harbour and then we found this random star wars Cafe to eat it. We both got the same meal but it was super yummo and I loved the name of the place.

After brunch we came back to the apartment and talked. I would say these last few days all we've done is talk. See some of the sites and talked some more. It's been an interesting but really great few days here. Today was one of the better talks we've had. Had a little cry as you do because we all know how much of a sook I am but it was good to get things out in the open.

I honestly have no clue what's going to happen. I won't wait forever but if he's not ready to do the things that need to be done then that's on him. I want the both of us to be happy and whether it's with each other or not, time will tell. We will keep in touch and go from there. I did also tell him that I'm awesome and to not let me pass him by because he will miss out haha.

For now, my goals once I get home are to focus on myself, my health and my fitness. On top of trying to keep on top of my blog and I think just more going back to why I started this blog in the beginning. It was all about finding myself outside of a failed marriage. Now with the new year and hopefully with the Trachy coming out soon 2018 will be a year of new things and new adventures.

I'm feeling excited about the year and what it has in store. I think...., actually, I know it's going to be amazing.

Back to Brisbane tomorrow then we have a couple more days before we head home Saturday.

Dinner with my family tomorrow night then spending the night with my sister Friday who will then hopefully drop us to the airport.

It's been an amazing trip but I'm looking forward to getting home.

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