Friday 12 January 2018

Friday Family Fun

It was my last day with my brother and his family. Spent the day at home with the kids. It was fun. We did have a rough morning though. SIL had a foster dog the last couple days and the person who ran the shelter place came to pick the dog up. Poor Roimata bawled her eyes out. Hugged the puppy and didn't want it to go. She was so sad. It seriously broke my heart. I even had a little tear. Poor we thing. We had cuddles though which was nice. Even Tipene came in for cuddles lol.

Once everyone had calmed down we managed to enjoy the rest of the day. We played outside. Played inside under the air con and we even did Lego. Well, Roimata and I did. She even drew me a card. She's all, Aunty I made this for you. Opened it up and she's like this is you and me taking photos and those are your glasses haha. I seriously love her.

Kyle (my other brother) also came for dinner and it was really nice seeing him. Such good food. Total carb overload but man it was a good thing to eat for our last night here. Pizza. Garlic Bread, Pasta and Salad all home made minus half the pizza which was pre-made we just added more toppings lol.

I'm going to miss my family but I've honestly had the best trip. Spent lots of time with Perth family, then time here with Brisbane family anddd a quick stop over in Newcastle. It's been an amazing holiday. I'm tired though. I feel it. I look it. It's not good, so I'm definitely looking forward to heading home.

July is 5 months away and I'll be back for 3-4 weeks visiting my family. On my own. Sister is going to come as well so hopefully we can convince Dad to come too. 

It's nearly midnight here so best get some sleep. Morning and early afternoon with sister and her girls before we head to the airport for our 5pm flight. 

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