Monday 15 January 2018

Fitness, Food and Fat

Today was an awesome day. Woke J up then the two of us along with Niko went for a walk. J wasn't so keen but she was okay once were out. It wasn't the longest walk but what counts is that we went out.

Home for some breakfast. I was still fasting but J made herself some eggs and a herbal tea. Trying to get the both of us back into cleaner better eating. I've been okay my side but need to be a lot better with J.

Had a lazy morning before I decided to get off of my butt and get in a proper walk. I decided to do the Map My Run, You VS 2018 challenge. Basically from January 1st to January 1st you walk/run/jog 1018km. Started this morning and walked 4.9kms. I wanted to do a little more but it rained so I planned to get out later in the evening.

Broke my fast today with some snack food as I knew we were headed over for dinner with Trevor and Arlene.  Watermelon. Kumara chips. Cheese. Jalepeno & Lime Hummus. Salami. Pickled Onion. Olive and smoke fish. J didn't want to go over to Trevor's at all. Even when we got there she had attitude of it was boring because she got into her mind today that she was going to be going to Australia with Aunty Mina. Crazy. Nice to catch up with Trevor and Arlene and enjoy a nice dinner that J helped to make.  Closed my fast at 6pm before heading home. J stayed over with Trevor. 

Got my fix of Shortland Street in before I got back out for a quick walk with Niko. I was going to do the loop end of our street but ended up heading towards town. Knocked out a quick 1.9kms which added to my total distance. It's been an amazing day fitness and food wise.

I'm totally about to be a Nana and enjoy a cup of plain tea before I shower and get into bed. I've got sore calf muscles and need to invest in a foam roller. Back out tomorrow for more walking. Loved seeing my steps going up. 

Feeling good about my health. Took new photos. Weighed myself and ready to smash out the next 12 weeks. We've got family photos coming up in July so need to look half decent for them.

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