Wednesday 3 January 2018

Last Day

Today was our last day in Perth. It was a crazy busy for some weird reason. We had a fun day though. 

Hung with Sophie this morning. Grocery shopped for a BBQ that only Aunty, J and I ate but was totally awesome. J and I hung out with Raiden and Riley while we got our hair done, again. It was an awesome day.

Now we are sitting in the airport waiting to board our flight to Brisbane. I'm hoping J is settled on this flight. I've packed her snacks, cards, movies and we've made sure she takes a photo for the fam bamz showing them how brave she is. By the time we land I'll have been awake nearly 24 hours. I have a feeling I'm going to spend the day awake and then crash out early with the kids tomorrow night.

About to board... Roll on the next 10 days of fun and adventure.

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