Tuesday 3 November 2015


Living off the grid has its advantages though it also definitely has its disadvantages. 
For the past week I've all of a sudden been having issues with my phone and not getting any service at all.  I could go outside and hold the phone up in the sky and pray to the cell phone God's that it works but I can't guarantee they'd even hear me.  It's very frustrating when it shows you have service yet can only make emergency calls makes no sense at all. 
On top of that the only internet we can get is dial up and even then that's not worth paying for.  I spent most of today trying to find someone,  anyone who offered some sort of internet that wasn't going to cost an arm and a leg for 1gb of data!  It isn't any easy thing to do. 
One company said the option they had available was Satellite which came with 10gb of data for $169+GST a month on top of a $199 installation fee and a $105 travel charge.  Yeah no thanks,  not interested in that at all. 
I did find another company which all the neighbours seem to use and they've said good things soo looking into that company to see what they offer.  Neighbour 1 couldn't stop talking about how amazing this company was so we shall see. 
In the mean time I shall use my mobile data hold my phone in the air to send or receive anything and hope that SOMEDAY all you can eat broadband will get to the far north and not cost you your life!

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