Monday 2 November 2015

Far Far North

It's amazing how quickly things change.  From living in Auckland for the last 10 years to moving 4/5 hours north of Auckland to the far far north. 

I spent most if not all of my life here.  I went to Primary and High school here though to be fair I hated high school lol.  I think everyone hates high school don't they

Life now is filled with going to the supermarket once a week if that because it's a long drive just to get there.  There isn't a petrol station just around the corner and there definitely isn't a takeaway place nearby either.  What would normally be a quick 2 minute drive to the supermarket is now more of a 40 minute round trip not including the time you have to spend shopping.  It's okay though the quiet lifestyle of the far north is nice. 

We have the things we want and need though spark broadband would be amazing! Lol. 

As much as I complain sometimes life is pretty good here.  Even snapped up a few pics of our house,  our dog,  our garden which needs replanting,  our fruit trees and even some other random trees lol.  Nan even has a rose bush. 

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