Tuesday 17 November 2015


I'm the  BIGGEST fan of Christmas and I don't even care about gifts.  For me it's so much more the spirit of Christmas that I love more than anything else.
For some reason people always seem to be that little bit nicer.  It's always a happy season and it's so hard to believe that it's pretty much just around the corner. 

I told Nan today that we need to get a tree.  The first thing she said was... "We don't have any kids" I promptly told her we don't need kids we have the three of us and we still need a tree and soon because December 1st is nearly here. 
Christmas always reminds me of my cousins and doing 12 days of Christmas which I love and miss.  Falling over.  Almost getting caught.  Breaking and falling off a fence.  Seriously some of my best memories ever. 

When my marriage ended I always thought my first holidays and birthdays would be difficult but honestly,  they weren't bad at all. I had friends and people who I now call family that helped me through it all.  We were able to have awesome Christmas celebrations together and eat AMAZING food because we all know Christmas is also about eating food the whole day with family and friends. 

Even though it's just the 3 of us I am still looking forward to Christmas and can't wait to see what we do.  We are lucky because we have family close and might just have to visit them all lol. 

Roll on December 1st then the Christmas spirit really will be in the air. I can't wait!  

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