Wednesday 4 November 2015


 I guess some of the other perks of living off the grid is that people ALWAYS seem to come and bring us food.  From meat to seafood to baking we never seem to go without and are pretty lucky.  Earlier today someone bought us over some Tawhara.  I know I hadn't heard of it until today either.  It's some plant that grows in the bush and the inside white flesh part you eat.  I had a try and it's actually pretty good.  It tastes a bit like a nashi pear!  Of the few that we had most of them weren't so good to eat as they were overripe or had gone off. I was pretty sad about that as i really did want to try more but a google search tells me they grow in Spring only soo now I need to remember next spring to find someone to go to the bush for me and get some more!

Love the expression on Nans face.

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