Saturday 21 November 2015

Happy 70th Birthday

Today was a long but really good day.  Nan and I drove to Kaitaia for Aunty Shirley's 70th birthday which was at Oturu Marae.

The party wasn't until 5pm so Nan and I went to Aunty's Mak's place and spent a few hours there helping out with the kids while I was on bread cooking duties. Shar made more bread while I cooked hoping we would get 300! There probably would have been 300 if we didn't eat it.  Haha.

We got to the Marae a little late so missed out on the beginning of the party but it was a good opportunity for me to be able to take photos before everyone came across from the Marae. 

Everyone did an amazing job with the birthday from the decorations to the food and even to the cake. We had hangi for dinner, cakes, slices, triffle and ambrosia for dessert and seafood galore. It was such a fun night and it really is nice to be able to spend more time with Nan's side of the family.  I was telling her earlier that we don't really know the Job side of the family so it's been nice that we've been able to spend the last couple of weekends with them both for sad and happy celebrations. It was fun listening to stories of Aunty Shirley and how everyone was related.  Though I was asking Nan a million times over who that person was or that person.  Lol.  We had fun.

I'm loving living here more and more and even though I am missing work and the busyness of Auckland I am really enjoying spending time with my grandparents, with the family and just relaxing and getting use to living here in the far north.

Things can only get better right?

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