Wednesday 26 March 2014

Working Out

Had my first appointment at the Gym today.  It went well.  We went through what I wanted to gain from going to the gym.  What goals I had.  What I wanted to work towards.  We took some measurements and my blood pressure and we pretty much go from there.  I have my next appointment Saturday morning where someone will take me through my program and how to do the exercises correctly.  It should be a fun morning... I'm super unfit but hey you have to start somewhere right?

Kids were pretty good today.  Mr. 6 wanted photos with the kittens as he always does and for some reason neither of the boys wanted "real" food for dinner.  Mr. 6 wanted avocado on toast and made sure to tell me that the avocado needed to be really squished down into the toast and Mr. 10 wanted an omelet with egg and tomato on the side.  As weird and crazy as these boys are I really do love them.   Roll on Friday. 

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