Saturday 8 March 2014

Birthdays & Mormons

Happy birthday firstly to one of the coolest chicks I know.  She's always been there for me whenever I've needed a friend, a crying shoulder at 2am, an opinion and even offering an I told you so when it was needed.  I'm grateful to have had her in my life these however many freaking years so thanks for being a great friend and I hope today has been a great day despite everything else :)

Another happy birthday shout out to my Hector (my step dad) who stepped into an instant family of 3 kids when we were young and who has always been a Dad figure in my life and even though we're not close I'm grateful to him mostly for introducing our family to the church.  Even though not a lot of us often or at all it's one of the things I will be forever grateful to him for so Happy Birthday old man. :)

I've talked a few times now about how I miss the church and how I feel like it's time to go back. I've spent the last 2.5 years away from church and doing things I know I shouldn't or the things I probably should have done as a teenager.  I moved to a new area a couple weeks ago which meant a new stake, a new ward and somewhere where no one would know what happened with J and I.  As luck would have it I guess you can call it the Elders happened to be in my area.  My flatmate came to my room and was all "The Mormons are here" so I went out to see them. We talked a while and I gave them a quick run down of my life then we made an appointment for them to come over sometime next week.  I don't know if it was coincidence or not but I'm really glad that they happened to be in my area even if they were looking for someone else.  We shall see how all of this pans out but right now I do feel like it's time for me to go back to church and get my life all in order.

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