Sunday 30 March 2014

Global Sunday & Family Dinner

Worked this morning and it was the slowest day ever. Sunday shifts at work are a bit of a hit or miss with whether or not we can handle with 2 staff or if we need a third person.  It was super dead that someone called to tell me that they did a fire drill and the lift wasn't working?  I thought to myself you really shouldn't be using the lift in a fire but according to the customer everyone was waiting for the lift while they did their fire drill.  Weird.

Ended up with juice from tank today.  Strawberry. Pineapple. Orange. Ginger with a shot of vitamin C I needed it today and it was super yummo.

Dinner with TP's kids had been planned since earlier in the week so I got home from work and helped TP prep some of the food before the kids arrived.  TP is an amazing cook.  She makes roast for us at work for Christmas and makes an amazing curry as well.  Tonight's dinner was roast chicken with vegetables and stuffing.  Amazeballs.

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