Thursday 20 March 2014


Random moment today.  Everyone at work was talking about going to Mexico for dinner and how the food was fantastic.  What they liked.  Who was going and to which store.  I kid you not in that same minute Mel text to ask if I wanted to meet up and go for dinner.  Of course I said yes!  I love that place and the food is def to die for!

I arrived earlier than I thought and ordered some drinks while I waited.  Pineapple Jarritos super yummo and it was the first time I'd try it too.

Mel arrived a few minutes after me and we ordered some nachos to start with while we waited for our food to arrive and caught up on some of the gossip and news going on in each others lives. I always enjoy those kinds of catchs ups I just wish I was more of a friend to some of the people I know than just a once in a life time lets have really long catch ups because I'm really busy kind of thing.

The food was great and I loved seeing Mel I even loved the shopping we did at Farmers well that Mel did I didn't buy too much.  Was nearly tempted to go with all kinds of kitchen things since they were all on sale BUT I controlled my urges haha! As much as I love them I know I don't need them.

One of the things I also found out is that Mel is going to be walking in Relay for Life. She is in it with a team but to even think about walking it is an achievement on it's own which I'm so proud of her for.  The link is Here where you can either make a donation or see what Relay for Life is all about.

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