Sunday 23 March 2014

West Wave

Decided on top of the nutrition the next thing I needed to do was get into the gym.  I won't lie I hate cardio with a passion and it's why I have no motivation what so ever to hit the pavement soo decided my only option was to pay to run haha.  It might sound crazy to some but at least I know I won't let my money go to waste because well I'm just not that sort of person.

Signed up with West Wave Aquatic Centre which is about 5 minutes up the road from my house.  I had researched and looked at other gyms closer to my work or closer to the kids but decided to go with West Wave. It's closer to home and it also has a pool which once I feel more comfortable I will get in some laps or some walking.

I have my first appointment on Wednesday where we will go through health things measurements and what kind of goals I want to have and achieve.  I haven't been to the gym in over 2 maybe even 3 years it will be interesting to see how it goes.

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