Thursday 13 March 2014

Not So Dirty 30s

Today was an amazing day!  I was in early to put decorations up for Esther's birthday but the lovely Danielle and Lyla had already put them up when I got it!  They did a fantastic job.  Loved it.

The amazingness that was the food! All the people in the back office bought in food to share with everyone.  There was more than enough to even invite the people out the front even though we weren't going too!  BUT we all felt bad not inviting them!

I was ok cake duty and baked it last night let it cool and then iced it all this morning at work.  Bit of a fail with the icing in the beginning but it came together eventually.

Cake in all it's glory.  It was a bit of a last minute cake and I was going to do something completely different but didn't have the things I needed on hand. This cake still turned out amazing and Esther and everyone else at the office loved it.  Sugar overload for me though.

All of us in the back put money in and got a gift which Jazzy and CC were in charge of so away they went and this is what they came back with.  They picked well. 

After all of that we made sure to get in a few photos with the birthday girl though some of them I need to get from other peoples phones/cameras.

Great day and I'm so lucky to have Esther as a friend.  Weird to think nearly 2 years ago we were strangers now we're great friends and someone I really look up too and admire.  Happy Birthday Gaylfriend!  Love you lots!

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