Monday 4 January 2016

Low 80s

With all of the festive/new year celebrations now over it's time to try and get more serious with shifting some weight.  I've pretty much been stuck in the low 80's since forever now soo need to try and shift more weight. Or at least try and change up what I am eating because I'm not moving past the 80's just stuck.

Weigh in day though I don't expect to weigh in everyday or even every week just when I want to check up on how my progress is going.. even though I know you shouldn't go my numbers I just can't help myself but I am glad that I'm not one of those people who tend to get all sad sally if I go up or down a lot.  It happens but as long as you keep tying and you look and feel good who cares.  Wait, I care about the  numbers. lol.  My bad about the blurry photo and my feet haha!

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