Friday 15 January 2016


When you're told rather than asked that it's my birthday make me a cake you end up on cake duty for someone... really didn't mind and since they didn't care what cake they'd want and because I wasn't going to go to the supermarket that's a 1 hour round trip I ended up making banana cake icing it with fresh whipped cream and throwing on some Marshmallows to make the numbers. M&Ms would have been so much better but hey you can't be picky when you pretty much demand a cake now can you!  lol.  All in all a good day, great company and I think Reno had a great birthday.. so much so he wasn't even going to share his cake, instead he was going to take it home.  Ummm no way buddy you share that cake I slaved over the stove in the hot gross muggy weather to bake for you.

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