Sunday 24 January 2016

Last Breath

Cedric passed away a couple of hours ago.  It was a rough hard time with Neena, Nan and I sitting in the room with him.  He's breathing was really rattly as if he had something stuck in his throat.  His breathing also quick.  For nearly 2 hours it lasted and we knew his heart wouldn't be able to handle it much longer.  Aunty came into the room as well but we knew needed to let her rest as well.

It was 1am when we called Steven (his son) to let him know that it was probably time.  Aunty, Neena and I sat in there room making Cedric more comfortable, well as comfortable as we could.  We sat him up which helped with the rattling in his chest and his throat and within minutes of siting him up he had taken his last breath.

In a way it was sad and we were all upset but at the same time we were also happy that he was now in a better place and that he wasn't suffering anymore.  I honestly think that he needed to be home with all of us and a place he was familiar in.  Things are still fresh and raw for everyone but no one seems to want to sleep right now.  I think it will be another long night but it's so nice that we are all here together.

Steven didn't make it on time as he lives quite far out but I'm glad that he came and still managed to see his Dad and have some time with him.  He and Aunty have been amazing.  Both still working full time and also going to the hospital everyday.  They've been each others rocks I think.  On top of that Steven's wife is also sick so he's having to cope and deal with that too.  Such a tough time for them all.

Best go and spend more time with the family.

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