Friday 29 January 2016

I'm Coming Home

Soooo good to be home and back in my own bed!  Ahhh!!  I have missed it on top of also missing Jazz. I have been away for a week and seriously I feel like she's grown up and got way too big in a week lol.

She was happy to see me and never left my side.  Even tried to get into the car when she thought I was going to leave her, poor thing.  Nan and I took our time driving home and also weren't in much of a hurry to leave so it was good to just spend the morning with Aunty Mina relaxing and just being there with her.  I was a little worried about leaving her but with KJ living next door I know she will be okay.

LOVED that when we got home Jazz came running inside wanting to jump up at me. 

It's been such a long week. Tiring. Fun. Sad. Happy.  Soo I'm happy to finally be home and just be able to sleep in my own bed and have an early night totally need it.

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