Wednesday 27 January 2016

Family Dinner

Today Nan, Aunty, Neena and I went into town as Nan needed some shoes to wear to the funeral tomorrow, on top of that Aunty also needed something to wear as well soo we hit the shops together which was fun.

Nan managed to get herself some shoes and a really nice jacket, Aunty got herself a jacket and Neena picked up some clothes for her boys soo all in all a good shopping day.

We then hit the supermarket for some food.  We decided we'd have chicken with roast vegetables and salad and enjoy our last night together just spending time as a family.  Managed to get home while I was the one who prepared and got everything ready.  We had the works for dinner and KJ also came over for dinner too soo was nice that we could all sit together as a family ad have a nice meal. 

Funeral day tomorrow so should be a good day.  Have LOVED every minute of being here even the sad moments with Cedric and seeing him take his last breath.  Never seen anyone die before but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though I'm not sure how I would go if circumstances were different.

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