Tuesday 11 October 2016

Loving Family

Ended up at the court house with no one wanting to help me because apparently there's no such thing as meeting the duty solicitor until your day in court.  Lucky for me I had Nena who went out of her way to come to the court house and help me out. 

Saw the duty solicitor spoke with him and made a plan for next week because I knew I couldn't make court date.  I'm glad at least when I fly out there won't be a warrant for my arrest.  We don't want to see my photo on Police 10-7 now do we.  Hahaha. 

Pleaded guilty to speeding and now we wait till next Thursday when I find out the outcome of how it goes.  Duty solicitor seemed to think it was as serious of an offense as it could have been so thinks it would most likely be a fine,  demerits and seeing the rest of my 28 days out.  I'm still a little bit worried about it but won't waste my time thinking about it till next week when I call for the outcome. 

Nena and I also went out for coffee which was awesome.  Grabbed myself an ice mocha and a gluten free caramel slice.  Probably not the best food to eat since I'm you know meant to be trying to shift the number on the scales lol but you only live once.  Though really need to get back into it before I'm complaining that I'm the same weight I was a few years back. 

Had an awesome day with Nena and loved that she went out of her way to help me and loved the awesome chat we had as well. 

If there is anything that I'm grateful for with getting sick is being able to spend time with family that I never would have been able too had I not got sick.  I know I wouldn't have come to Whangarei to see family unless I needed too.  Life was always too busy.  Or I always had something more "important"  to do. So I'm glad that being sick has made me realise family is important and the people who will always be there for you.  Loving being able to get to know family I never would have known had it not been for being sick.  I'm also glad that I have a better relationship with Nan and Papa as well.  It almost makes me think I never want to move away from Whangarei ever again haha. 

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