Tuesday 4 October 2016

Discharge... Lol.

This morning I was discharged from hospital not as bright an early as usual but I was out of there by around 10pm. I had plans to meet up with a friend over in Epsom but I also needed to hit the supermarket for a couple of things beforehand.  I did all my google maps and Auckland transport bus searches and made plans on what time I needed to be where and how to get there.

Walked from North shore hospital down to Milford shops then back up to Smales farm where I sat for a couple of hours waiting for the bus that would take me to New Market where I would then have to walk a little more to get to Epsom.  Huge mission trying to catch public transport when you're not use to it.  I actually missed the stop I was meant to get off at but the nice driver went around the block and let me off on the other side of the road.  I don't know how I am going to handle the whole suspension thing but those are the consequences of bad actions and choices I made. On the up side it gives me more reason to get out and get more exercise in rather than using the car to go 5 seconds up the road.  Who knows may be by the end of the 28 days I'll be super skinny.  A girl can dream right?  Lol. Apparently I did 14kms of walking though I'm not sure that's right either way I got in a  lot of walking and added to my everyday exercise thing soo that's something.

Have been spending the night with Leanne which has been fun.  We drove all the way from New Market to Papatoetoe to get some dinner and then when Leanne needed to dry her clothes at the laundromat we drove to clover Park lol.  Long night but good to be back here so we can both rest and get some sleep.

Oh and while I was out we got churros I ate 3 before they made me feel sick. Blerk.  Never again.

Court next week for my crazy driving yesterday anddd also thinking of planning a trip to Wellington in a couple weeks time.  Maybe the break away will be good though I'm not sure Nan will appreciate me going away to Wellington again lol.

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