Sunday 2 October 2016

Forming Habits

Today I used the rain as my excuse to not want to go out and get some exercise in.  On top of it also being Sunday meaning 'day of rest' I kinda just felt like I didn't want/need to go.  I had spent most of the day in bed binge watching season 2 of Mr. Robot and if it wasn't for Nan needing to go to the supermarket I wouldn't have even got out of my PJs,  that's how lazy I was feeling today.  I knew that if I wanted to make exercise and my health a priority I needed to find the motivation somewhere I just didn't think it would happen, at least not today.
The supermarket was an interesting experience.  Nan really only wanted to go to make sure that J had food to take to LYNKS.  Pretty much most things Nan suggested I said a big fat NO to them.  It actually made me wish that I had someone telling me NO to food instead I have to use my own self control. Which as we all know totally sucks sometimes.  In the end I let Nan pick one treat thing for J to take for lunch lol.  That still didn't stop Nan from telling Papa that I said NO to pretty much every single thing in the supermarket.
No one wanted to cook dinner tonight so we had fish and chips.  Not good for me or J but we don't tend to eat out a lot in our house so I thought why not enjoy it.  Everything in moderation right? You don't want to deprive yourself then end up binging.
I'm not sure if it was the fact that we had gross fish and chips for dinner or not but I got a second wind and decided to take Niko for a walk.  Of course the sun had also come out a little so that helped with getting out there too.  It wasn't a far or fast walk but it was something which is always better than nothing.  Niko enjoys the walks as well because being locked up in the back yard with not a lot of space isn't his favourite place to be.
We are only 2 days into the last quarter of the year and its my goal to blog and exercise everyday this month.  They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit sooo here's hoping I can keep it up. I know,  I know early days but for me 2 blog posts in a row on top of exercise is a miracle.  I wonder where I'll be at the end of the quarter.  Hopefully looking all hot like Beyonce lol.

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