Monday 14 December 2015

Week 3

Today marks 3 weeks with TM!  Slowly but surely I am moving my way up the ladder to my first milestone of 10 adpacks.  I used the $16 I made last week to go towards another ad pack which then only cost me $36 which isn't too bad!  Loving the progress I am making even if it is a slow one.  Things are going to sky rocket and I can't wait for everyone to see what amazing results I get.

I know I've been in MULTIPLE businesses before but what I love about TM is that you don't have to spend money to make money... yes it helps but you can still make money without clicking ads.  You don't have to have an autoship to be paid. You don't have to regret and build a team... The more I learn the more I am loving TM. 

In other news I got a sort of "promotion" in one of the FB groups I am in and am now a right hand man to Cor so will be helping her to mange the page and also helping her with other things soo will be awesome to help her out and learn tricks and tips along the way ... I have a feeling 2016 is going to be an AMAZING year!!! Way better than 2015 that's for sure... oh I just need to get this trachy out first!

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