Friday 11 December 2015

Grandma's Garden

Both sets of my grandparents live here in the rural far north which is really awesome as even though I don't visit Grandpa and Nana Lesley much it's still nice that they live close by and when Nan and I do go there we always spend hours there talking about anything and everything which is nice.
Today we went there to drop off some money for Nana Lesley to get some more pig food for our pig and I decided to get some photos of their amazing garden and also of our MASSIVE pig.  We will be killing that baby in January!  Perks of living here everything pretty much is given to us!  We are so lucky. That our pig there in the first picture on the left hand side.  I made sure to tell Nana Lesley that that was our pig and no one better come take it.  Lol.

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