Tuesday 22 December 2015

Shopping... in a small town

One of my bestfriends gets married tomorrow and as usual I left looking for something to wear to the last minute silly really but I always tend to find something last minute which is amazing whether it's food, clothes or gift related soo even though I was stressing I knew I would find something.

Nan and I went to 5 different shops today!  Trying on dresses left right and center.  I was over it all by the time we got to the 2nd shop lol.  Nan knew a shop that stocked really nice dresses soo we went there where I tried on 4 things... nothing worked.  Either the top was too small for my boobs or the bottom part of the skirt was too big... it's always a lose lose situation when it comes to buying clothes for myself.  It's why I have a love hate relationship with my boobs lol. 

Finally after I don't know how many hours of looking trying on clothes and being limited on what shops you can go to given that there aren't many to choose from we ended up at Pagani and found the perfect dress to wear.  Well perfect as in there was nothing else that I could have picked lol. 

End of the day I found something to wear and tomorrow I leave to go to Marsden Point for Mel and Gary's wedding... can't wait... and Thank you Pagani for the dress! $40 down from $70 woop!  Gotta love sales and it's a dress I can wear again so win win! 

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