Tuesday 1 April 2014

Happy Birthday Barb

Every morning Barb is the first person to arrive to work.  She gets in early and does her morning walk before work starts and every morning Esther and I catch up with her on whats new with her and her kids and her family.  It's great.  Yesterday it was Barbs birthday so yesterday Esther and I decided to get Barb a little birthday gift. 

Roll on this morning at work and global was hectic crazy.  After hours.  Monitoring.  Noise.  It just got a bit crazy and we didn't have a chance to catch up with her.  I guess the Birthday Gods were against us or something.  Later on that morning though before everyone else arrived to the office we got Barb to come back across the road and gave her her gift.

She loved it and I'm so glad that she did.  For a last minute gift I think we did a fantastic job.

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