Thursday 10 April 2014

Crazy Hair Monster, BDSM & Spanking

My hair is all kinds of crazy! Its thick curly wavy afro-y bushy and ready to attack anyone who gets in its way.

I try to go as much as I can to get it cut and coloured along with thinning it out so that it's not weighing my head down with the crazy monster that it is.

Got a cut colour treatment and even got Tania to straighten it... 2ish hours later and my hair isn't so crazy and it's even some what manageable


A work colleague transferred money to my account the other day and you totally have to love the reference.  It made me wonder if banks actually check the reference on customers bank statements.  It made me laugh and I'm glad we can all joke about how it was a cheap trill.  I do love the people that I work with.  They make working there so much more fun.


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