Friday 14 June 2013


After sending an email to a friend about how the kids have been trying my patience this week, what he replied back isn't nearly as bad as what I've been through this week.
It's hard sometimes when friends are going through a hard time and you're not sure what to say or how to be there for them.
How do I tell him that everything is going to be ok when according to him it isn't.
How do you get use to the idea that you think actually she's going to be ok and that she's progressing when she hasn't?
My heart hurts for him because I know how much he loves her and wants only the best. I know it will be a rough road for them but I know they can pull through it.
All of this reminds me of church and how I know He doesn't give us anything we can't handle and perhaps this is something my friend needs to go through. 
I will be the friend that I can be to him and all we can do is see how it goes. I just wish I could do more.

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