Tuesday 13 December 2011


This past weekend I spent my first weekend in Christchurch.  I had never been to the South Island before and apart from being able to see Martin I was also excited to say I'd finally been to the south Island.

Even though it was December I was still worried about it being cold and made sure to take more clothes than necessarily needed.

I had no expectations of Christchurch and deep down I hoped an earthquake doesn't hit while I am there but thankfully I didn't feel anything.

We had a lot of fun together this past weekend and Martin made sure to show me the sites and take me all of the cool markets and fun things to see and do in Christchurch.  We as always made sure to eat lots of yummo food.  You'd thing with all these photos the only things we did was eat food but we always have fun when we're with each other.

We also met up and hung out with one of my friends Serena who was down there visiting her Dad and her family so it was really nice to see and spend time with her.  We all went together to look at Cathedral Square.  I had so much fun on this past visit and I'm looking forward to being able to see more of Christchurch again soon.

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