Saturday 21 January 2012


It’s been 4 months now and it’s honestly been the longest 4 months of my life.

On the other hand though it’s also been a good 4 months and most recently the past 2 months have been some of my best.

Since going back to therapy I’ve learnt so much about myself and why I’ve made some of the choices that I’ve made. It’s been a really rough road and I’m so grateful that I’ve had people there for me, my therapist being one of them. She has seen me at my lowest and lets me be me and I don’t have to worry about how she’s going to judge me. She has been such an awesome person for me and I’m so glad to have her. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

I’m grateful though that while I have my therapist I also have that small group of close knit friends who I can turn to when I need them. I’m grateful to those friends and especially to that one person who has always been there for me actually those 2 but this one friend has always been there. When everyone else went away she was always there waiting and not judging. Ready to be that listening ear when I needed it. She’s my go to girl and even though I prob don’t say it enough I appreciate her friendship a lot.

She is one person I know who has been my listening ear at 3am till all hours of the day and night and who of all of my friends doesn’t really give a crap about what others think about her.

She was the one who even when things were hard in her life she still managed to find time for me and my problems but also time for her sometimes annoying family. :) I admire her for all that she has been through and I’m so grateful to have her in my life.

More than ever before I know I’m going to need her and I’m glad that while she has her own family and problems to deal with she’s still ok to be my person. I only hope that one day I can be the kind of friend to her that she has been to me.

Love you loser-roo!

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