Thursday 24 November 2011

Giving Thanks

As most of us know last night (at least in NZ) it was thanksgiving. I was never one to celebrate the holiday so thought why not go along with my new family and see what it was like.

I wasn’t too sure what to expect but I was looking forward to it. Work was busy that day and on top of that we had all been dealing with a few things and I think we were all overdue for some family time.

Dinner was great. We had Turkey, vegetables, home made rolls, gravy; the works it was totally yummo. To top it all of we had pumpkin pie for dessert, oh and pumpkin cake which was yummo too.

As the tradition goes, we all sat down at the table one by one saying what we were thankful for. It was nice to hear all of the things we were all grateful for.

My list of thankfuls were short but right now at this time in my life I’m so truly grateful for friends and family.

It’s been a rough few months and I’m so grateful that I have people in my life who a few months ago were complete strangers to me.

I’m grateful for people who welcomed me into their home when they didn’t know me at all. I’m grateful that I don’t really have to sleep on the couch anymore, but still do for fear of keeping people awake at night lol. I’m grateful for grocery shopping and emailing at work.

I’m grateful for people who are still awake at 3am when I need to talk. For the people who have my back in strange situations lol. I’m grateful for those ones who have said they’d call the NZ FBI if needs be lol. For the people who have watched me go through the motions of my separation and are still there for me. I’m grateful for the friends who send me *hugs* at midnight then call to make sure I’m ok or to just be a listening ear.

I’m so grateful that even though there are times when I feel like I don’t deserve it I have the love and support of people who to be honest, I didn’t think I would be going to. While everyone else walked away I somehow found the strength to pull through it all, to make and find new friends. I know that I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the love and support I am shown from my friends and family.

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