Thursday 9 January 2014

Proud Moment

Today's photo was Proud Moment.  I spent the last 30 minutes searching through photos in the hopes I would find something I was most proud of. 

It wasn't until I came across this picture that it made me realise that today is the day I am most proud of.  I have come along one since the girl who posted that over 2 years ago.  I was a mess.  I felt like I had no one and if you search back through blog entries and read the entry as I mentioned I really did feel like I was on an emotional roller coaster wishing it would stop and let me off. 

I won't say that I am off the ride for good but there have been times where it's stopped a few months to let me off only to pull me back in sometime again later on. 

I'm soo much happier and such a better person (at least trying to be) and I'm so grateful to the friend who has always stuck by me and to the new friends who were once strangers to me.  I love you all.  I am soo looking forawrd to 2014 and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me. 

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