Friday 24 January 2014

Moving On

Told Graham I am moving out the other day.  He didn't take it so well... he said he will miss me but we are on the hunt for a new flatmate for him so we shall see how that goes.  We've had a few people come and look. I'd show you the room BUT my room is filled with clothes. Later perhaps.

So far we've had a gay couple come look, 1 girl and 1 other guy who I don't think he will move in I think Graham and he would have world war III with the things Graham tends to say BUT I could be wrong and he may decide to move in.

Work is the same.  Busy as always. I have 1 more shift and then I am on leave for 2 weeks. Work and FB biggest loser is going ok. Fast 7 weigh in is Sunday and FB weigh in was today... not soo proud of my hardly any weight loss BUT it's better than a gain. This next week will be me pushing myself to get into some exercise while I am northland bound and also keeping up the routine of cleaner eating.

Family arrive in 3 days for Nans birthday reallly looking forward to seeing them. It's been way too long. I'm pretty sure the last time I saw Mum was when they lived in Melbourne.  Ekk. Waayy too long ago and that brings back too many crazy memories that trip.

As January comes to a close it reminds me that 2014 is going to be an awesome fun fantastic filled year and I'm looking forward to the next 11 months.  Things can only get better from here. 

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