Monday 9 December 2019

A Year On...

It wasn’t planned but a year ago today I was sat on this same park bench my heart breaking into a million pieces as I cried my eyes out over MJ. I stayed nearly an hour as every part of me hurt. I had lost someone so important to me that I didn’t think I’d make it through. This past year hasn’t been easy and to be fair I don’t think any of my years have been easy. I still think of MJ and at times it hurts BUT lucky that I’ve got awesome people in my life.

I’m glad I came here today! I got to make new memories and enjoy different experiences with people who I haven’t seen in a long time. It’s time to let go of these last couple years and focus more on myself. I’m moving house and I can’t wait to make it into a home and start having a more positive amazing life.

I really do love this town that we live in.

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