Monday 31 December 2018

Goodbye 2018

In the last 72 hours Willow, Jackson and I have travelled over 700kms if not more. I made my first ever trip north since the MJ drama. Not going to lie, I wasn't looking forward to it. I didn't want to make that exact same trip I'd made nearly a month ago because I knew that I would struggle. I didn't want to be reminded of a person and a place that only a few weeks ago made me happy. We stopped in at his local and the only thing that helped me get through the emotions of being there was the fact that I knew he wasn't in the area. As hard as it was to make that trip on 2 separate occasions I'm glad that Willow and Jackson were there and that even though we stopped in at Cable Bay beach and swam that I could still enjoy it and have fun without having to worry about him.

All the MJ stuff aside I actually had an amazing 3 days with my 2 favourite people. Today we even drove to Auckland and managed to pick up Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Best thing about heading to Auckland is definitely doughnuts.

I'm looking forward to 2019 and I'm excited to see how the new year turns out. I really need to spend this year focusing on myself. No boys, no drama just focusing on myself and the goals that I want to achieve for 2019.

Roll on 2019 and let's make this the BEST one yet!

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