Friday 30 March 2018

To train or not to train

Today we went on the train from Whangarei to Portland. They're closing it down for 10 years to do some work on it so we went as a family on train.

I'd never been and I actually thought it would be boring but all the kids had fun,
J enjoyed it and Poppa had a nice time reminiscing about "old times".

J and I sat on the wrong side of the train but still managed to get some photos which was good.

It was an awesome day out and even though I have an assignment due and wasn't going to go out I'm glad I went.

The rest of my day was spent resting, studying and I also meal prepped for the week. Kransky, stuffed mushrooms and steamed cabbage. More to come on that and my health over the next few days. 

Since I've deleted fb this maybe a good opportunity to keep up with the blog. I always say that and it never happens, but it's nearly April a new month is about to start things can only look up. Let's go!

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