Monday 5 February 2018


Last night I decided that I'd wake up and go for a walk before having my morning phone call with M. It's been nearly 3 weeks since I last went and I knew I needed to get back into it.

Woke up at 730am and got ready to head out. I won't lie, I totally didn't want to go at all. But I got my shoes on. Got my music going and went for a walk.

It wasn't as far or as long as I'd have liked to have gone but as I told M this morning there were four things I learnt on this walk.

One: Don't push myself to feel like I SHOULD do x amount of steps/kms in one walk because this morning I could feel like my heart was working a little harder than normal sooo I did the shorter route rather than the longer one.

Two: I need to go more often because even though my breathing sucks I'm unfit hence my heart working harder.

Three: I'm probably going to walk from 630am rather than 730am but I'll see how I feel. I hate waking up sooo probably won't happen.

And Four: Be motivated by the walk I did do rather than discouraged because it wasn't "long" enough.

I managed 2.6kms this morning and even though I have this mindset of I need to do 10,000 steps in a day anddd at least 6km I know that 2.6kms is still better than nothing.  Back into walking and moving it to 630am will work better for when I'm back at school.

Weigh in day today but our scales are broken sooo I'll weigh in next week. Oh and in clinic appointment Thursday at Auckland hospital. Public holiday tomorrow. Should be a good week.

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