Monday 23 July 2012

July Visits

Martin visited on the weekend and we spent a night up north with my Nan which was nice. We did the tourist thing of course and what should've taken us 3 hours to get there took us 5 instead.

We had fun stopping in at Eutopia Cafe for some yummo organic vegetarian food, trying fried broad beans, trying a weird feijoa wine - Nan liked that, me not so much. We had fun in those 24 hours we were up north and did a lot of things well Martin mostly helping Nan with all of her random excel needs lol.

As you do we also stopped in and took photos of the world famous Kawakawa toilets. We were totally tourists as we made our way up North.

We told my Papa when we went up again we'd take him to do the winery tours. Well I will drive them lol. He was happy about that. All in all it was a great weekend and not too long till we go to Wellington. Yay!

Yummo organic dark hot chocolate and vegetable soup along with the lady from the kawakawa toilets
Kawakawa Toilets

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